
City Encourages Angola City Residents To Bypass Water Softeners
By: Beth Swary - Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Graphic from the United States Department of Energy

ANGOLA - Mayor Dave Martin, Water Superintendent Tom Selman and Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Gaff are encouraging Angola city residents to bypass their water softeners.

The city of Angola recommends any Angola residents who use Angola city water to bypass their water softeners because the water is already soft.

Mayor Martin stated in his State of the City , "I would encourage all our residents who are operating softening units in their home to bypass them."

"The water from our plants only contains one to four grains of hardness, this is the ideal range. Our residents can save money by not operating their softeners, and it also helps the city be more environmentally friendly."

The United States Department of Energy states water hardness or softness is measured using grains per gallon (gpg).

Energy.gov states 0–3 gpg is considered soft water, 3.5–7 gpg is considered moderate and ideal, and 7.5 gpg or higher is regarded as hard water and should be treated with a water softener.

Selman explained Angola City Residents should not toss their water softeners to their curbs.

He said there are times when the Angola City Water Plant may need to bypass their softeners, and in those special cases, Angola city residents may want to run their own softeners.

"We have always softened the water," said Selman. "And we have 1-4 grains on average throughout town."

The softness or hardness of water will dictate how easy the water is to use.

"Before reaching the municipal supply, water absorbs mineral content from rocks and soil," " states Energy.gov.

"Some of this content, like calcium and magnesium, are hard minerals that not only make soap less effective. They also gradually lead to limescale buildup, which, when it occurs within pipes, reduces water pressure and flow, and only gets worse over time."

"Hard water also negatively impacts the efficiency and lifespan of any appliance that requires water for operation. This might not be such a big deal for a coffeemaker, but it has the same effect on water heaters and refrigerators."

Bypassing water softeners will not only save Angola city residents on their energy and salt bills, but will also products less energy needed

Water softeners can by bypassed by turning a valve on the devices.

Any community members with questions regarding their softeners, or to have their water hardness tested can call the Angola City Water Department at 665-3422.


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