STEUBEN COUNTY - Forever Improving Steuben County Together (FIST) is now accepting grant applications through March 31.
FIST is made up of 7th - 12th grade students from Hamilton, Fremont, and Angola schools.
These young philanthropists work together to make Steuben County a better place by using their time, talents and treasures, and inspiring the youth of Steuben County to do the same.
FIST is accepting applications for grants for nonprofit and school projects that impact the youth of Steuben County. FIST’s goal is to fund projects that will teach young members of our community how to be philanthropists.
Vice President of FIST, Jed Mortoff, states “FIST grants to the community because we want to represent the youth in our giving. We want to offer a youth’s perspective in our granting and want to be community leaders. We love the Steuben county area, and we want to show people what kids can do when given an avenue to make an impact greater than themselves”.
Any school employee or nonprofit organization in Steuben County or that serves Steuben County is eligible to apply for a FIST grant, including churches and service clubs.
Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to projects that correspond with FIST’s mission statement.
FIST’s mission statement is: FIST seeks to inspire the youth of Steuben County to become leaders of tomorrow by sharing their resources and empowering others to donate their time, talent, and treasures.
The grant application requires a description of the project, itemized budget or estimates, and must demonstrate how it connects with the mission of FIST. To apply, go to and follow the prompting.
In previous years, programs FIST has funded include Woman’s Care Center (NEI), Gobblers for Goods, Indiana Phenology Tree Tags, Cahoots Coffee Shop, Clear Lake Town Conservancy, and many reading programs.
Funding these programs allowed FIST to fulfill their mission, and they look forward to continuing their impact through their current grant cycle. FIST encourages anyone able to apply for a grant!
Press Release provided by Delaney Bock, Public Relations FIST