
Trine Launching Actuarial Science Degree Program
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Building on the strength of its Department of Mathematics and Physics and providing students with the skills needed to help businesses mitigate risk, Trine University has launched a Bachelor of Science in actuarial science degree program. Classes for the new program begin in August.

The Bachelor of Science in actuarial science, which will be among programs offered in Trine's Jannen School of Arts and Sciences, prepares students for a career as an actuary. Graduates will have the knowledge and skills to pass the preliminary exams given by the Society of Actuaries, as well as the foundation needed to prepare to pass the remaining exams offered by the society.

The degree will prepare graduates to work in government or for any business that needs to manage financial risk, including insurance companies, consulting firms, large corporations, hospitals, banks and investment firms.

The Bachelor of Science in actuarial science continues the university's long history of offering programs that lead to employment for graduates. Over the past seven years, more than 99 percent of Trine graduates have been employed or in graduate school within six months of commencement.

For more information on actuarial science at Trine University, visit trine.edu.


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