
2018 Call Volume Up at LaGrange County Dispatch Center
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Call volumes continued to rise in 2018 at the LaGrange County Dispatch Center.

Dispatchers received a total of nearly 40,000 phone calls for the year, an increase of almost 11-hundred from 2017.

Communications Director Bill Morr said the category with the largest increase was 9-1-1 hang-ups and open lines, which nearly doubled to 1,203 last year.

That takes away dispatcher time from real emergencies.

Morr says you should remove batteries from old cell phones if you give them to children to use as toys. Even if they don’t have a working sim card they are still capable of calling 9-1-1. Morr says they frequently receive pocket dials from cell phones that get the emergency button pushed while in a pocket.


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